
 KCS container ship in sea state 7.


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The training course introduces SHIPFLOW 6.0 which has two main new features, MOTIONS that calculates added resistance and ship motions with incoming waves and a new, 10 times faster RANS solver that makes it possible to optimize hulls within minutes.

The training is divided in two parts, Public and Special Training. Public Training is intended for SHIPFLOW novices and those who would like to brush up on their SHIPFLOW skills, while Special Training is aimed at experienced SHIPFLOW users who wishes to deepen their knowledge.

The training is included in the maintenance and support program. This means maximum two people free of charge per license which has valid maintenance and support. The course fee for participants that are not part of our maintenance and support program is 8 000 SEK for the public training and 4 000 SEK for the special training.

If you are interested in participating please write an e-mail to stating the name, organization, e-mail address and phone number of the trainee.

Surabaya Indonesia 24 March 2015

FLOWTECH together with Caidmark Sdn Bhd will give a one day seminar at Surabaya Indonesia on the 24'th of March 2015. An introduction to SHIPFLOW Design and the latest developments will be presented. Special focus will be given to applications in hydrodynamic optimization of ships. Please contact Caidmark  for further information and registration.

Langkawi MalaYsia 17-21 March 2015

Our ASEAN reseller Caidmark will present and give a demonstration of SHIPFLOW Design at the LIMA 2015 exhibition in Langkawi between the 17-21 of March. Caidmark is at Booth C140 as part of the Malaysian Ministry of Transport`s Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Pavilion. Please contact Caidmark  for further information.

SHIPFLOW training, GOTHENBURG September 18 to 19, 2014

Come and learn how to best use the SHIPFLOW Software Package!

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SHIPFLOW International Users Meeting 2014

Come and participate in our events in Gothenburg, 15 to 19 of September 2014

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SHIPFLOW training at the IBIS Ambassador Busan City Centre from March 19 to 21, 2014.

Develop as a SHIPFLOW user — come to our training in Busan.

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SHIPFLOW training at CIFT in Cochin from april 15 to 18.

This year we are arranging a four days Training Course in collaboration with CIFT in Cochin and there are plenty of new topics in the training due to recent developments to the SHIPFLOW Software Package.

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